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PoCUS Competition
This event will see teams of residents, medical students, RNs, and paramedics compete against each other to work through cases that utilize PoCUS and SIMULATION.
ICEM2025 will combine the technical skills and know-how of PoCUS with the team collaboration and communication of simulation to solve clinical cases and we’ll see one team take home the glory at the finals.
Individuals who want to help with the POCUS games as a volunteer can contact Gabriela Lavinsky:
Learning Objectives:
After participating in this session participants will be able to:
Recall basic principles of point of care ultrasound
Identify artifacts found when using PoCUS
Demonstrate how to use basic and advanced applications of PoCUS to solve clinical questions
Demonstrate how to communicate and collaborate as a team to generate and interpret ultrasound images
Sunday, May 25th
Qualifying Rounds at 11:10am
Final Rounds at 3:40pm
Room 220A
Teams will be composed of 3 people. Register individually or as a team. Individuals without a team will be placed in a team by the event organizers ahead of the competition.
Teams can include medical students, residents, RN, paramedics, and physicians
Team dress: Teams are invited to dress up together as a group to stand out amongst the crowd!
Individuals who want to help with the POCUS games as a volunteer can contact Gabriela Lavinsky:
Registration closes April 30th
Medical students, residents, RN, paramedics: $20/person + conference registration
Physicians: $50/person
Registration Process:
Registration deadline is May 1st. ​
Once you have completed your online registration, please click here to provide the following information:
Team name/Institution name
Team members’ full names
Team member’s designation (MD/RN/RT etc.)
Team members’ emails
The winning team will receive a one-year CAEP Membership! Good luck!
ICEM2025 POCUS Planning Committee Members:
Chair: Dr. Gillian Sheppard
Committee Members:
Dr. Talia Brennan
Dr. Alice Chan
Dr. Caryln Gardner
Dr. Christine Hanna
Dr. Maya Harel-Sterling
Dr. Ryan Henneberry
Dr. Beatrice Hoffman
Dr. Elizabeth Lalande
Dr. Lianne McLean
Dr. Rob Simard
Dr. Margo Wilson